Introducing An AWS Savings Plans Calculator

Introducing An AWS Savings Plans Calculator

Today, Cloudshim is excited to announce the launch of the AWS Savings Plans calculator. A simple ca…

How managing EC2 usage cut this startups AWS Bill by 60%

How managing EC2 usage cut this startups AWS Bill by 60%

Challenge Prasad Purandare is building an AI startup for image identification in stealth. As a boot…

A simple serverless app with HTTP API Gateway, Lambda and S3

A simple serverless app with HTTP API Gateway, Lambda and S3

When coming up with architectures for an application, what to use for data storage is oftentimes …

AWS Cost & Usage Report (CUR) as a service (CURAAS?)

AWS Cost & Usage Report (CUR) as a service (CURAAS?)

For those of you who've ever tried to decode how AWS bills, you've probably discovered the …

Cost Impact of the Great Cloud Wars

Cost Impact of the Great Cloud Wars

With the break-through of cloud computing, major cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, an…

Making the most of AWS EC2 Savings Plan

Making the most of AWS EC2 Savings Plan

AWS introduced Savings plan (SP) a year ago, for customers with consistent usage looking to levera…