With the break-through of cloud computing, major cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud - are frantically racing each other in a bid to capture & dominate the global markets to capitalize on this once-in-a-lifetime technology revolution.
These recent paradigm shifts in the Cloud computing world are accelerating at a dizzying pace with a new cloud service being introduced almost every fortnight. While this is all good in solving a particular problem, it ends up creating another - how to efficiently control & manage this ever-growing list of services and their complex usage structures?
As the complexities of the cloud increase, so do the costs of running on the Cloud. And it's not limited to the cost of Cloud resources, it's also
- the cost of developers trying to learn, manage and efficiently maintain those resources
- the cost of engineering leads trying to track development churn on the cloud
- the cost of finance teams trying to adapt to new models of budgeting & forecasting based on Opex vs. the traditional Capex system
- the cost of hiring dedicated cloud operational teams to navigate through an infinite maze of possibilities on what can be cut down and optimized for managing expenses
This is why we built Cloudshim, to enable businesses better manage & optimize their clouds continuously, with the least effort & without requiring dedicated teams to do so.
Cloudshim breaks down the cloud complexity barrier and increases cloud transparency to promote better efficiency, productivity, and savings for businesses.